If you have experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, below are some options for support and reporting. It is the survivor’s choice how to move forward, but know there are resources and options available, both on and off campus.
Sexual assault medical forensic exam (SANE Exam)
A sexual assault medical forensic examination is performed by specially trained medical professionals for the purpose of evaluation and treatment of trauma, treatment of possible exposure to infection, referral to counseling and follow-up medical care, and for the collection of evidence following a report of sexual assault by a victim. The medical well-being of the patient is the primary objective of the SANE at all times during the examination.
The State of Texas provides for a report and non-report option allowing survivors of a sexual assault to obtain a medical forensic exam and have evidence collected, without cost to the victims, even if they do not wish to involve law enforcement at the time of evidence collection.
SANE exams are available at John Peter Smith (JPS) Hospital.
John Peter Smith Hospital
1500 S. Main St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
There is a private waiting area for those who come to JPS for a SANE exam. An advocate from the Women’s Center is on staff at John Peter Smith Hospital to support survivors seeking SANE examinations. If you chose to have a SANE exam, you will have the ability to track your kit status. You can also go to the hospital in Texas for an exam without reporting to law enforcement.
Talk to a Confidential Advocate on Campus in the CARE office. Confidential Advocates are individuals you can speak to that are not required to report your situation to the Title IX Coordinator in The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).*
They can help guide you through reporting or connect you to resources on campus or in the community. Anyone who is not a confidential advocate or confidential resource on campus is a mandatory reporter and will have to report the incident to OIE.
Leah Carnahan, Confidential Advocate
TCU Counseling and Mental Health Center
24/7 Phone Counseling: 817-257-SAFE
Brown-Lupton Health Center
The Office of Religious & Spiritual Life
TCU Counseling Helpline
Rape Crisis & Victim Services Hotline+
*Confidential advocates and resources may report non-personally identifiable information to OIE, in compliance with Texas state law.
+Community resource operated by the Women’s Center of Tarrant County, open and welcoming to all, not just women.
As a student, you have multiple reporting options, You can choose to report through the University to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) or law enforcement.
Campus & Local Law Enforcement
TCU Police Department
24-hour Emergency Phone
Fort Worth Police Department
24-hour Emergency phone: 911
Non-emergency phone: 817-335-4222
If you chose to report to law enforcement, the report must be made to local law enforcement in the city where the incident occurred.
Example: If the incident occurred in Austin, the report must be made to the Austin police department.
Reports to TCU are made to the Office of Institutional Equity.
The Title IX Coordinator is housed within the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). If you report your situation to OIE or speak with a mandatory reporter, you will have the opportunity to file a complaint. A confidential advocate can still help you navigate the reporting process even if you are choosing to report. OIE will immediately offer support and care resources. You may simply report your incident for data or choose to file a formal complaint. In rare situations, the university may choose to move forward with the case regardless of the survivor’s (complainant’s) choice since TCU has a responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory community. OIE can provide more information about this during the initial inquiry.
If you move forward with a formal complaint, the individual being accused (respondent) will be contacted with information about the incident and offered support and care resources. A no-contact order will be put into place between the complainant and respondent. Neither party will be allowed to contact each other. An investigation process will begin with either an internal or external investigator. The investigator will meet with the complainant, respondent, and any relevant witnesses. After the investigation is complete, the Office of Institutional Equity will refer the case to the Dean of Students Office to conduct a live hearing panel with cross-examination to determine if a policy is violated. The outcome and any sanctions decided upon are communicated by the Dean of Students Office to both parties. The Dean of Students will administer sanctions as necessary. Appeals can be made to the Dean of Students.
Ms. Andrea Vircks-McDew, Title IX Coordinator
The Harrison, Suite 1800
All other campus resources are considered non-confidential. Non-confidential resources are individuals who can support you and connect you with resources if you have experienced sexual assault. However, since they are mandated reporters, they will be required to report your incident to OIE. They will respect your privacy and only share to those they are required to report. This differs from Confidential Advocates and Confidential Resources who do not have to report your information to OIE. Mandatory reporters include faculty and staff on campus unless they are specifically designated as confidential advocates or confidential resources.
Dean of Students Office
Housing and Residence Life
Resident Assistants and Hall Directors
TCU Police Department
24-hour Emergency Phone: 817-257-7777
The Women’s Center – Rape Crisis and Victim Services
Founded in 1979, The Women’s Center’s mission is to inspire and empower women, men and children to overcome violence, crisis and poverty. The Women’s Center Rape Crisis and Victim Services program is one of the most comprehensive and distinguished rape crisis centers in the Southwest. No matter the age or gender, victims of stranger and non-stranger sexual abuse and sexual assault find both hope and help here.
1723 Hemphill St
Fort Worth, Texas 76110
24-hour Crisis Hotline: 817-927-2737
SafeHaven is the domestic violence serve provider in Tarrant County providing assistance to families healing from violent relationships. Services include immediate shelter and housing, a 24-hour crisis hotline, support and counseling and legal counsel, as well as prevention and reformative services.
24-hour Hotline: 1-877-701-SAFE (7233)
General Information: info@safehaventc.org
One Safe Place
One Safe Place is a comprehensive crime prevention agency devoted to preventing crime and violence in Tarrant County’s neighborhoods, schools and homes.
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
Fort Worth Police Department
24-hour Emergency phone: 911
Non-emergency phone:817-335-4222